Friday, June 4, 2010

1) Falsity of Human Nature by Shashi Sannabhadti

Human nature is a complex subject to talk about, but yet it is a daily affair for all of us. We encounter it daily, from the time we wake up till we sleep. Well, we have to also deal with our own nature i.e. Attitude which keeps our own self actualization in place.
Example Falsity 1:

Falsity is the fallacy of our mind to show others, or to understand the things around us in a peculiar manner. Now if in the morning we wake up and face ourselves in the mirror we get to see a human being brushing teeth or washing face; but at the same moment we are thinking of the things we would be doing the next hour, today’s tasks or.. The event scheduling or.. About an absurd meeting that would happen day after tomorrow. So what do we miss or Falsify. We falsify the things before hand we are not concentrating on the things we should be at that very moment. That doesn’t mean we should concentrate on the yellow spot on our teeth, or a black spot on our nose; but we can think positive such as we can boost our confidence, think about something funny that did occur, or something that keeps our mind properly exercised or boost our personality so as to be prepared for the tasks which we were thinking about.

Example Falsity 2:

Falsity 2 is the second most common behaviour humans tend to show. It’s like people tend to be flamboyant so that their stature and pomp can be displayed to the world bestowing upon others the need to do the same to show their authority, pomp or their end of punitive action against the person who is behaving in the similar fashion. And thus from this a chain reaction is created which increases such phenomenon. This phenomenon overall seen has no affect what so ever productively. Still we humans tend to possess it as a last mantra of survival like let me wear my Armani suit to the meeting; let me get the best gadget to flaunt, Oh! I should wear this necklace to the office…. So on and on….

Example Falsity 3:

The Human nature also tends to show the capacity to cheat itself by assuming, narrating or instill a propaganda of falsehood on others by dictating a false event, statement or being a witness to something which they weren’t. Humans try to coax others into believing in this so as to get their task done or complete their objective of showing their righteousness in their glory or pure divineness or great humanity in them. Now this seems to boost the ego of the human narrating while it acts as a pure devout for the listener to believe and worship the narrator. And sometimes this act of falsity changes hand into third person mode to justify their righteousness.

Now, this complex blog also may fall in one of the falsity but to be honest my question to Every Human including me (hope I am still one ;-)) is :

“Can we just stop these Falsity and live a pure, sincere & true human life?

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